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Top 21 Credit Card Multi-Tools

They're small, compact and, as the name suggests, packed with multiple tools. The best credit card multi-tools could be your one-way ticket to never be caught short when it comes to handling a survival situation or undertaking a DIY job.

Buyer guides

Best 8 Hiking Watches

Get a hiking watch to keep you and the guys safe when taking to the mountains this weekend. These hiking watches will keep you on track, check your altitude and much more!

best karambit knives

Buyer guides

Best 9 Karambit Knives

In the guide below, we look at the best karambit knives, to help you pick out the ideal sharp implement for not just self-defense, but lots of other applications.

Buyer guides

Best 12 Tent Heaters

Chattering teeth, knocking kneecaps and a red Rudolph nose can be the thing of the past with these tent heaters made to keep you comfortable and warm on any camping trip.

Men's Gear

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