Samsung unveils ATIV Book 9 Pro laptop, 4K screen
Samsung has pulled the curtain off the new ATIV Book 9 Pro laptop, featuring a 4K screen
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Samsung has pulled the curtain off the new ATIV Book 9 Pro laptop, featuring a 4K screen
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The next innovation from PlayStation that will [shape] the future of games.
You love your Converse sneakers so much you’d wear them year round. And that’s perfectly fine – the classic kicks go with almost any outfit. However, when winter hits you…
Don’t let the title of this product fool you – it is not a lesson in physics and there is no math involved. Just hours and hours of endless gazing…
The last addition to the series was Mario Tennis Open, on the DS, and Nintendo unveiled Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash for the Wii U at E3 2015.
A new study led by researchers at the University of California indicates that there exists a strong connection between the love hormone, scientifically known as oxytocin, and the effects of marijuana.
Real time tracking data helped police capture theif, restore car.
Virgin Galactic is expected to showcase their latest spaceship design in 2016
Edward Snowden's favourite secure chat app is now on Android
Graphene batteries are game-changers.
Several novel security issues were uncovered, including a directory-traversal bug that could allow files to be written to the device with system permissions.
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