The James Brand is all about portability when it comes to everyday tools. From pocket knives, carabiners, pens, and more, the brand wants to make your daily commutes light and worth it. Thus, the birth of another helpful EDC: the Cache River.
This is not a pen or a penlight although you may think so at first look. This sleek, elegant, and flawlessly-designed piece of aluminum is a tool pen that houses important driver bits. It is a screwdriver in a sense. The driver bit on the tip is interchangeable. Uncap it and you will find more sizes houses inside.
The James Brand Cache River has three bits stored in its handle: the Phillips #2, Torx T6, and Wiha Slotted 4.5. The cache can hold two Wiha bits. As with other reliable and durable bit drivers, this EDC has a pivot ball bearing and uses a magnetic bit attachment to make switching bits easy. It also lessens the chances of dropping the bits to the floor and losing them in the process.
As for portability, this piece of utility tool only weighs 1.2 ounces. It can definitely also fit inside your pocket with its overall length of 3.9 inches and a diameter of .53 inches. Its size is just right for a good hand grip and it also does not get lost inside the pocket of your jeans.
Moreover, the James Brand Cache River is made from Anodized 6061 Aluminum which makes it resistant to corrosion. It is also resistant to cracking, stress, and can survive multiple uses.
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Images courtesy of The James Brand