For years, we have always viewed products made in China as items of inferior quality. Still, when companies put their pride on the line and push for global recognition, things can change. These days, almost all of the world’s leading brands rely on Chinese manufacturing firms. Now, Silk-FAW Automotive seeks to shake up the luxury car segment with the Hongqi S9.
For those wondering, the marque for this exciting vehicle is a partnership between FAW and Silk EV. Drawing upon the group’s knowledge about all-electric platforms, they are building a plug-in hybrid. This seems to be a trend even among renowned automakers that are not yet ready to go fully electric. It brings out the best of both powertrains from a performance aspect.
“The Hongqi S9 represents an awakening of innovation from China,” read the details on the official website. “Not just improving what’s been done before, but pushing the limits of aerodynamics and architecture to create a hypercar beyond precedent using aeroDESIGN.”
Starting off with a V8 power plant, Silk-FAW Automotive is then equipping the luxury machine with electric motors. The combination of the two allows the Hongqi S9 to deliver 1,400 horsepower. Track testing should see its aerodynamic silhouette complete a 0-62 mph run in about 1.9 seconds.
If the driver wishes to push the Hongqi S9 to the limit, it can supposedly max out at 250 mph. It might look like something that would be at home on the tracks, but it is street-legal. Owners, who want to take it out for an eco-friendly cruise around town can switch to pure electric mode. Of course, it’s always ready to race any rival foolish enough to take it on.
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Images courtesy of Silk-FAW Automotive