Stadiums are starting to pack with people again to watch sports events despite the uncertainty of the end of the pandemic. With this said, it’s time to bring out those comfortable seat pads that keep our bum toasty. After all, we never know when we might have to sit through hours of a thrilling game during the winter months. This brings us then to one trusted brand when it comes to outdoor gear, Coleman, and its OneSource Heated Stadium Seat.
This seat warmer runs on a 4800 mAh rechargeable lithium-ion battery, an interchangeable one that also works with all the brand’s OneSource products. It features four adjustable heat settings: high (133°F), medium (123°F), low (113°F), and pulse (low to high). On a full charge, it can go 1.5 hours on high, 2.0 on medium, 3.0 on low, and 2.5 hours on the pulse setting.
Best of all, it works with dual batteries for longer warmth periods thanks to its dual-port dock, which technically doubles the runtime. The battery even works as a portable charger to power your phone or other devices. Meanwhile, a bleacher hook wraps around the base of the bleacher to keep it secured on the seat no matter your movements.
When it comes to transport, the Coleman OneSource Heated Stadium Seat is portable in size. This seat pad folds in half for easy storage while the metal support bar doubles as a carrying handle during travel. It is also guaranteed durable and ideal for outdoor use thanks to its stainless steel frame and weather-resistant fabric with nontoxic PU coating that protects it from rain and water.
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Images courtesy of Coleman