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Buyer guides

Best 17 Tactical Tomahawks

Forget about your rusty hatchet and choose a tactical tomahawk instead. Get a slice of the action with one of the best tactical tomahawks on our buyer guide, today!


Hogue EX-T01 Tomahawk

Any dedicated camper or survivalist knows that a good cutting ax is essential to success. Now Hogue Knives, in collaboration with custom knife designer Allen Elishewitz, have crafted the Hogue…


Spyderco SzaboHawk H01 Tomahawk

If you’re looking for a chopping or throwing axe, don’t buy the Spyderco SzaboHawk H01 Tomahawk ($206)! This isn’t any of those. This is strictly a weapon, meant for close combat and…


SOG Voodoo Mini Tomahawk

Perfect for your hiking or camping adventures, the SOG Voodoo Mini Tomahawk ($36) is a light and super-portable axe, yet sturdy enough for serious jobs. This satin-finished handsome tool has a length…


The Downrage Tomahawk By Gerber

Whether you’re a camper, military or government worker, or just a regular dude waiting out the apocalypse, you’ll find the Downrage Tomahawk ($170.00) to be a very handy tool, with a…

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