If you are relocating abroad, there are lots of things you need to put into place before the move can happen. If you are well prepared and organized, it will make the whole thing a lot easier, so make a checklist of things you need to take care of and work your way through it.

Here are 7 things you need to plan and organize before moving abroad.

Let your employers know

Unless you are relocating due to work, you will need to give them notice of your intention to leave. Although you only need to give them the notice period as per your contract, you may want to informally advise them of the approximate timeframe involved so that they are aware of the situation and have adequate time to recruit a replacement.

Discuss it with your children’s school

If you have children, let their school know that they will be leaving. There may be some paperwork required to be completed. So, it’s a good idea to find out what is needed as far in advance as possible.

It’s also important to communicate with their new school to ensure that they are aware of what level your child is currently at in terms of education as this can differ from country to country.

What do you intend to do with your existing home?

If you currently rent your property, then it’s as simple as giving notice to the landlord of your intention to move. However, if you own your current residence, it isn’t quite as easy. If you intend to sell up, then it’s a wise idea to speak to a real estate agent and get your house on the market around 3-4 months before you intend to leave – it may take longer in a quieter market. If you do get an acceptable offer, you can always try and negotiate a longer entry date.

If you don’t need the equity, then another option is to rent out your home. This will give you an additional income and allow you to keep your home in the meantime. If it could do with some renovating or maintenance, do so beforehand and you could charge better rates from those who want to rent it. There may also be tax implications relating to renting, so it’s a good idea to find out beforehand.

Visas and work permits

Visas and work permits very much depend on where you intend to move to. For example, if are planning on moving to Canada, the criteria is very different from the requirements when transferring to the UK. Find out what is needed in the country you intend to live in and get the ball rolling as soon as possible.

Many countries will only let you enter if you already have work lined up or can prove that you have the means to survive without a job. If you don’t meet the criteria or have the necessary paperwork, you can be refused entry, so you must do some research and deal with things before your departure.

Will you be permitted to drive?

This is another aspect that differs from place to place, so you must find out what criteria you need to meet to be able to drive in your chosen country. You may need to take a practical or theory test but may be able to do it before you go. You will be very busy when you move, so, if you can get it sorted now, then do so. It will be one less thing to deal with when you get there.

Arrange a mail redirection

It may take a bit of time for an international mail redirection to be put in place, so learn about the details and complete the paperwork as soon as you can. Contact as many companies as possible to advise them of your new address and cancel anything that will be no longer relevant once you move. The lesser correspondence you need to deal with once you get there, the better.

Health and medical

If you are currently on any medication, find out if it falls under a different name in the country you are moving to. This will ensure that there are no issues when you need a new prescription. Where possible, try to register with a doctor in advance of moving or as soon as you have moved.

There will be forms to complete, and you may also need to have a consultation, which can take a bit of time. Make sure you do the same for every member of your family so that if any of them feel unwell, they can be seen by a specialist as possible.

When traveling to certain countries, you must make sure you are properly immunized, so speak to your doctor, find out what the recommendations are, and have these before you go. Many diseases can be very harmful, so having as much protection as possible is a wise decision.