We’re going to take a wild guess and say that no one would probably choose to live in the desert when plotting their dream home plans. But the Desert Wash Residence makes a case for building the perfect oasis despite the harsh environs.

The Desert Wash Residence blurs the line between home and nature. So blurred, in fact, that sometimes the outdoors come crawling in, invited or otherwise. In this case, that’s not always a bad thing, though. Architecture, after all isn’t limited to building the “inside.” It’s also concerned with the meditation of what makes separates the “outdoors” from “indoors.”

The Desert Wash Residence is a quiet, gentle meditation, indeed. The home, from Kendle Design Collaborative, expands the possibilities of modern architecture. You’ll see a jagged wash bisecting the property that should, on paper, look like an eyesore. Here, though, it serves as the centerpiece, the main topographical feature.

The house celebrates outdoor living particularly desert living, as you can see clearly. The architecture draws inspiration from nature and goes to great lengths to make the seemingly uninhabitable a fantastic place to live in. Desert washes often serve as roadblocks to traditional residential design, but the folks at Kendle Design Collaborative made lemonade out of lemons and turned it the focal point. Here, it forces viewers to understand the synergistic relationship between nature, utility, and space.

You’ll see plenty of rammed earth walls, expansive glass, floating steel, and wood clad roofs. Three primary buildings make up the whole presentation, physically connected thanks to bridges, hovering roofs, and even stone walks. You can see more pictures of the Desert Wash Residence below.


Photos courtesy of Kendle Design Collaborative