A while back, we featured a high-end smartwatch from Montblanc that was one of the few to ship with Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon Wear 3100 chipset. It was the chipmaker’s latest silicon for Android-based wearables promising better battery life. Not only did it boast technical improvements over its predecessor, but the design was also given a makeover. Now, it’s time to welcome another upgrade in the form of the Summit 2+ and check out what it has to offer.
This third-generation model promises the capability to make calls even without pairing to a smartphone. That’s right just like the competition, Montblanc finally arms its wearable with LTE Connectivity. While this does not mean that owners can finally ditch their handsets, it’s telephony feature is a premium contingency plan.
Perhaps in situations wherein the handset is inaccessible for any reason is where it will shine. With just tap and swipe on your wrist, users can make/receive calls and send/reply to messages, Moreover, given it runs on WearOS, Google Assistant is just a voice command away.
Meanwhile, the Summit 2+ does not just stop there. Montblanc gives consumers like us a reason to take the plunge with even more enhancements. These include a speedometer, barometer, compass, GPS, and altimeter. The brand calls its “outdoor toolbox” and we think the name fits so to speak. Now, it’s on to the technical specifications of this fashionable smartwatch.
The Montblanc Summit 2+ sports a 1.28-inch AMOLED display with a sapphire glass cover. This gives the screen impressive resistance from scuffs and impacts. The steel case measures 43.5 mm with two pusher buttons and a rotating crown as another button. Battery capacity is at 440 mAh which should last about two days.
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Images courtesy of Montblanc