An alcoholic beverage that has been enjoyed since time immemorial comes from fermented fruit. Gradually, grapes became the staple ingredient, but other types are still enjoyed by many today. It may seem simple at first glance, but older vintages from renowned sources will bleed your wallet dry. Meanwhile, Moët & Chandon announces the Pharrell Williams Limited Edition Collection.

It should be no secret that the liquor business regularly signs contracts with celebrities to promote their products. These personalities become the official endorsers and it rarely extends beyond that. On average, this is enough to boost sales, but a more hands-on deal is often more lucrative.

The collaboration between the French Champagne outfit and the American artist and music producer takes things to a whole new level. His creative input involves a stylish revamp of the bottles and presentation. Moët & Chandon notes that the inspiration behind the Pharrell Williams Limited Edition Collection is birthday celebrations.

Your entry-level options for the sparkling alcoholic drink are the Brut Impérial with coiffes (foil cover) in Gold, Deep Red, and Midnight Blue. Another is the Nectar Impérial with its hood rendered in white. Distinctive aesthetic tweaks include the Pharrell script as dots directly below the Moët & Chandon branding. 

Additionally, the bow graphic on the foil capsule comes with the medallion bearing the “PW” monogram. Those eager to spend even more can grab the magnum size variants and the maison’s 2013 Grand Vintage. These ship with detachable fabric bow by Atelier Baqué Molinié. 

Lastly, the flagship bubbly in the Pharrell Williams Limited Edition Collection is the Jewel Masterpiece. Only 30 of these mirror chrome bottles are available for purchase. A detachable bow brooch crafted out of 7,310 pearls is an opulent bonus.

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Images courtesy of Anthony Seklaoui/Moët & Chandon