If there are kitchen innovations that turn food waste into organic fertilizer, then there’s also one that converts them to animal food. Precisely, into chicken feed. That’s what a startup called the Mill does.

This is the “first all-inclusive food-recycling service” that readily transforms bones, stalks, peels, and leftover food, and “get them back into the food system.” It’s called a “service” because transforming them into chicken feed doesn’t happen at home. The initial process starts in your kitchen through a special bin equipped with an internal mechanism that grinds and dries food waste over time. It also has a replaceable filter made with charcoal and coconut husks that filter odors.

The Mill bucket automatically dries and grinds kitchen scraps while you sleep so there’s zero effort on your part. Unlike compost, it is not picky and can handle dairy, meat, fish, fruits, bones, rinds, pits, and basically anything that comes off your cutting board.

For security, a locking lid keeps fingers and paws out while the shrinking and de-stinking happens. You can pause the process and unlock if you have more scraps to toss inside. The bin collects dry, compact food grounds for weeks without having to be emptied. It takes approximately 21 daily usages before the 11L bin reaches the maximum storage capacity for the grounds.

After which, you can ship the grounds so they can be recycled into chicken feed and the product distributed to farms (where and to whom is a question). However, the Mill kitchen bin is not sold individually. It needs a subscription. You can either get a $396 annual membership or $45 monthly plus $75 for the bin. Both memberships include customer support, shipping boxes with prepaid labels, and replacement filters.

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Images courtesy of Mill