Before leaving home for work or other activities, we should be wearing appropriate outfits. Next, it also helps to double-check if all the essential stuff are in our bags or pockets. Given that we never know when a situation calls for it, EDC items are great to have handy. Huckberry and Craighill present The Searcher.
The New York-based design and manufacturing outfit is partnering with the Men’s lifestyle and gear supplier for an exclusive bundle. The set includes everything one might need at a moment’s notice but often forget to bring along. Hence, we consider this a great toolkit and a wonderful present for those who need it.
This classy package ships with four pieces inside the box. Although these are available separately from Craighill’s store page, The Searcher gift box can save you a couple of bucks. The Huckberry edition goes for a classy black and brass theme. The dark colorway adds to its minimalist appeal.
Slide off The Searcher’s outer sleeve and pop the cover open to see each EDC product nestled within cutouts. Labels correspond to details about each item. You get the stainless-steel OFFSET KEYRING which features a hook and a knurled brass lock. Next is CARO Pen which accepts Schmidt 635 refills.
What follows is the KEY CAPSULE – a food-safe screw-cap container to hold medication, breath mints, and more. Lastly, The Searcher gives us the LARK KNIFE. This frame-lock folder touts a 1.5” 12C27 blade steel in a drop-point outline. It’s sharp, durable, and ready for any task. Organize everything via the OFFSET KEYRING or store them individually however you want.
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Images courtesy of Huckberry/Craighill