It’s understandable to mistake Diptyquea’s Culbuto as a toy. It has a wooden, circular base and stick structure that’s reminiscent of a spinning top. But this is an oscillating aroma diffuser that functions as simply as it looks. 

Diptyquea describes Culbuto’s origin as such: “Ever the pioneer, here we see the Maison hijacking a familiar object and subverting its original use to transform it into a new cold diffusion system.” It doubles as a decorative piece featuring a minimalist and refined aesthetic devoid of any button or mechanism. 

“To imagine this object, the Maison drew on a traditional but rare form of expertise, that of the wood turner. This artisanal gesture joins with Diptyque’s artistic eye to create unique pieces that enhance the look of the beechwood, bringing out its natural sensoriality.” 

The Culbuto comprises mainly of a beechwood sphere base with a perfumed ceramic stick as an extension. A gentle push or nudge activates the rocker arm which then moves the diffuser back and forth on its base. The movement diffuses the aroma, in this sense, it releases green notes of blackcurrant berries mingled with flowery rose accents.

It’s designed to release the fragrance slowly and gently and is ideal for use in small spaces up to 20 m² in size. Its minimalist design allows it to blend nicely in any intimate setting be it in the office, the bedroom, or even in the dining room without taking up a lot of space on the table. The Culbuto is endlessly refillable with each refill lasting approximately two and a half months. 

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Images courtesy of Diptyquea