Rumors have been circulating about Apple’s entry into the virtual reality/augmented reality scene for quite some time. However, nobody expected them to make the official announcement shortly after Meta unveiled the Quest 3 headset. The Vision Pro is a bold step for the Cupertino, California-based group as they now directly compete against big names in the industry.
In the introduction video or in press materials, the device is usually portrayed as transparent. However, those who’ve had the opportunity to experience what it brings to the table reveal it’s not. The front of the headset is covered in laminated glass but features an outward-facing OLED display that shows a digital representation of the user’s eyes when another person is within range.
The secret behind the Vision Pro’s outstanding immersive capabilities is the array of sensors Apple packed within the headset. These track movement, hand gestures, voice commands, the space you’re moving in, objects around you, your eyes, and more. The combination of high-resolution cameras, LiDAR, microphones, and infrared cameras allows people to interact with a virtual environment in the most intuitive way.
To handle everything needed to run visionOS as smoothly as possible, we have a dual-processor setup. The Vision Pro counts on the powerful M2 and a new sensor-dedicated chip dubbed the R1. These equate to “a virtually lag-free, real-time view of the world,” according to Apple. Aside from entertainment, you can also perform productivity tasks and interact with others directly via the headset.
Everything about its construction just oozes premium quality. For comfort, a Light Seal adapts to the unique features of your face and keeps the internal displays at the ideal distance from your eyes. A detachable headband uses breathable and stretchable materials with a Fit Dial for superior ergonomics. Integrated speakers support Spatial Audio, while the external battery pack holds enough power for approximately two hours. The Vision Pro can be yours for $3,499.
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Images courtesy of Apple