The biggest mistake any biker makes is thinking they don’t need a helmet, especially when they’re planning to ride across the bustling metropolis, where cars swerve to and fro and you’re always this close to a fatal accident.
Thankfully, any serious biker worth their salt knows how important it is to wear a helmet when cycling, and if you’re one of them, we’re betting you already have your gear pretty much lock and loaded. But why not take a look at Livall’s smart bike helmet for a second?
This award-winning gear if the perfect option for riding around in the city. With built-in LED lighting, it’ll make sure you’re always visible to other traffic members. That’s a small but crucial addition that could potentially prevent a lot of accidents from happening. It also has automatic sensor lighting plus wireless turn signals if you’re going left or right. Things you don’t see everyday on a bike helmet.
with high-quality audio that’s loud enough to let you enjoy your tunes, but scaled back a bit so you can still hear what’s going on around you. It’s not a good idea to have your music on full blast while on the road anyway, so this is a decent compromise.
The Livall smart bike helmet comes with a handlebar remote control that lets you do a number of things, like control the turn signal indicators, answer phone calls, and communicate with other Livall helmets within vicinity walkie-talkie style. Seriously, this is the best bike helmet you can get, and it’s just $189.