Making a change to your lifestyle and fitness is a great thing. Whether you are trying to bulk up like Schwarzenegger, get lean like Phelps, or lose some pounds like the guy from the show Man verses Food does between seasons, we all need some help.

After sweating it out at the gym the last thing you want to do is become some sort of Kungfu-chef-ninja chopping and mixing a heap of meals for the coming week. Unfortunately, we can’t help take away this annoyance but Prepdeck have made it much easier.

Leave all the chopping boards, utensils, measuring cups and Tupperware in the cupboard and take a look at Prepdeck’s compact and all-in-one meal preparation system. This go-to kitchen allrounder has over 40 features to help you prepare your weekly lunches and dinners. The top doubles as a cutting board and has 15 different sized containers for all your mains and sides. There’s a drawer for knives (also can be used as a handy trash bin), there’s an accessory drawer, and there are even attachments for juicing, grating and crushing that all store seamlessly in a compact space.

What more could a modern fitness man want? Maybe built-in measuring on each container and it to be dishwasher friendly. Oh yeah it is all that as well!

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