If you’ve ever gotten frustrated at the Hallmark Store because they never make greeting cards that say what you really want to say to that less-than-best acquaintance, be happy because now you can send Hate Mail Anti-Greeting Cards ($6). Originally begun by JunkMailGreetingsInc on Etsy, this hilarious concept has spread around the globe.
The “Hate Mail For Hire Project” started by the artist known as Mr Bingo sends hand drawn postcards to friends or enemies alike. However perverse or twisted Mr Bingo becomes, he prides himself on still getting the point across without having to resort to homophobia, racism, religion or disability! For deceptive cuteness, you could do no better than illustrator Killien Hyunh and her “Postcard for Your Enemies” series. Combining cute animals with pithy comments, no one who receives one of these lovable looking cards will end up feeling loved.
If you have the rage but not the talent, be happy. There are many understanding artists out there who will help you say just the right thing to that schmuck who is making your life miserable.