We’ve had the chance to try the Woojer($100.00)- a silent wearable woofer that enhances any game or multimedia, by delivering bass vibes to your body. Just like when you’re at a Rock concert and you feel the bass in your chest. Simply attach the tiny device to your spine, chest, or any other place of choice, to feel the music. Of course, you gotta connect your headset to Woojer and plug Woojer’s audio cable into your phone(or anything with a standard audio jack).
From our hands-on experience with this gadget we have to say we’re pretty impressed with it. Small, yet very precise! Playing video games with this thing connected just takes everything to a whole new level. And when listening to music it feels like you’re in front of a big ass speaker. Just a tip: This little guy packs a serious punch when paired with ‘Power Amp’, the Android application. So we totally advice bumping up the bass on the app to make make woojer even more awesome. Our recommendations to listen: The ‘White Stripes’-“Seven nation army”, or anything from ‘Rage Against the Machine’, or ‘Queens of the Stone Age’, or…OK, You probably got the idea, The Woojer rocks!
As for details we’d like to see improved, maybe Woojer 2.0 could have wireless capabilities and and a battery that would last longer that 5 hours? Other than that, Great job Woojer!