As the automotive industry edges closer to completely emission-free motoring, the shipbuilding scene also aggressively campaigns for something similar. As it stands right now, technologies that can adequately match the energy and propulsion needs of a massive vessel are still beyond our grasp. Still, it’s not stopping Dutch custom superyacht company Feadship from launching Project 821.

At first, we assumed this was just your typical concept to drum up publicity and investments for future green ventures. However, it appears the construction of the sustainable superyacht was recently completed and it was delivered to Edmiston & Company — a global group that caters to clients who are interested in the purchase, charter, or maintenance of luxury watercraft.

Project 821 measures approximately 390 feet from tip to tail and is reportedly capable of completely running on hydrogen. Not long ago, we shared with our readers the ongoing research and development of systems that can run on clean energy. Fast-forward to 2024 and it seems the industry is a step closer to eco-friendly trips across the ocean.

One of the hurdles the team needed to overcome was the storage of hydrogen. What they came up with is a 13.12-foot storage tank which is supercooled to house more of the highly volatile gas. To power the Project 821, it undergoes catalyzation to produce electricity and steam (water vapor). In total, the energy it stores is listed at about 543 kWh.

Furthermore, it uses a state-of-the-art heat recycling process to capture and redirect the high temperatures produced by the hydrogen fuel cells. It keeps the jacuzzi, pool, steam room, towel bars, bathroom floors, and other spaces warm. Feadship also called on RWD Studio for the overall design, decor, and layout of the Project 821.

In the official press release, it reads, “Five years in the making, innovation-packed Feadship Project 821 is the answer to a fundamental question: ‘How far can we push green technology on superyachts?'” The allure of its completely silent operation while at anchor or out at sea, is a major selling point here.

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Images courtesy of Feadship/Edmiston & Company