There are countless benefits when manufacturers switch to electric powertrains. Not only do we keep emissions and noise levels in control, but it also allows designers to get creative with their blueprints. As long as they account for the placement of the batteries and motor, it’s virtually an open canvas provided passenger safety is not compromised. The Ekka M-1 and Ekka CS-1 are fascinating examples of this approach.

Both are concept two-wheelers by Berlin Design Office geared for different riders. Urban commuters usually look for a mobility platform that is compact with a bit of versatility. The Ekka CS-1 touts an incredibly slim unibody chassis built from aluminum for optimal balance between weight savings, durability, and corrosion resistance.

Another cool feature of this green city scooter is the modular abilities of its frame. Optional add-ons include cargo racks on both ends, an extra seat, and additional space for a storage box or cargo on the deck just beneath the saddle. Up next is the Ekka M-1 — the ideal steed for enthusiasts who prefer a sleek eco-friendly bike.

With a sexy café racer aesthetic rendered almost entirely out of metal, it’s guaranteed to draw appreciative glances anywhere you go. According to the studio, both the M-1 and CS-1 are outfitted with in-wheel drive systems, which makes their futuristic designs possible. To further minimize carbon footprint, aluminum bending is used instead of hot-forming for its parts.

As noted on the website, “it simplifies the design, reduces weight, frees up space, requires fewer parts and maintenance, and potentially offers a smoother ride and efficiency that translates into a longer range on a single charge by minimizing drivetrain losses.” Finally, the Ekka lineup’s weight savings should help increase the range.

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Images courtesy of Berlin Design Office