Chris Lubkemann is a world-class whittler and holder of a Guinness World Record Certificate for one of his smallest carvings. When not creating another intriguing carving, he can be found writing about it. As the author of nearly a dozen books on whittling and woodcraft, Chris has also teamed up with Victorinox, to produce a book of 43 useful and whimsical projects that can be done using only the Swiss Army Knife and a stick or twig!
Included in the Swiss Army Knife Whittling Book’s ($12) pages are extensive color illustrations to aid your learning curve for this soothing traditional hobby. The book also gives advice on choosing the right wood to carve and hints for sharpening and preserving the blade of your knife. Safety tips for handling the knife as you work are detailed along with the step-by-step project instructions.
All it takes is a little time and Chris will have you turning out gifts & conversation pieces like a pro!