Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that there are other urban mobility platforms apart from two- or four-wheelers. With a growing concern about climate change, most people are in the market for an emission-free vehicle for their daily commute. If electric cars or motorcycles seem too mundane, maybe the TWIKE 5 is whimsical enough to stand out.

Yes, there are folks who prefer stuff that is not mainstream. Call them hipsters or whatever, but they are exactly the demographic who are likely to choose oddities like this machine from Germany. Normally, our idea of three-wheelers covers tricycles, slingshots, and others. Now we can add the TWIKE 5 to the list.

What makes this ride unique and fun is the powertrain. It’s not your average setup because the manufacturer describes it as a “human power hybrid.” You won’t notice this from the outside, but step inside the cockpit and all is revealed. The driver side is configured like a recumbent bicycle, yet functions a bit differently.

Instead of propulsion, the pedals recharge the batteries to boost mileage. The latter will be available in varying capacities with the smallest delivering a maximum speed of 80 mph and a range of over 155 miles. Meanwhile, the flagship option should easily hit 118 mph with a range north of 311 miles.

Contributing to its performance and handling are the aerodynamic body and weight of approximately 1,328 lbs. This two-seater features a rear hatch to store luggage and other bulky items. The TWIKE 5 even boasts scissor doors like those on exotic sports cars.

The TWIKE 5 “is made for people who care about knowing what consequences their actions have for themselves and their environment. They place particular value on health and sustainability,” notes the press materials.

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Images courtesy of TWIKE