Using tape measure has become outdated what with the emergence of modern measuring systems. Not only are they not user-friendly but also dangerous especially the metal ones. Titaner makes this tool easy and fun to use with the new Mini Titanium Curve Measure Slide Rule. 

This is a ruler/tape measure, a calculator, and fidget toy in one. It’s a titanium coin consisting of an outer ring and a smaller inner ring. The rings form a circular slide rule that can do addition on one side and multiplication on the other. Both rings have laser-engraved scale in numeric markings like those found in a ruler and each rotate independent of each other.

Titaner’s Mini Titanium Curve Measure Slide Rule offers precise measurements, down to  0.01 mm. To use, start by aligning both rings in the 0 scale and then you hold it upright to start rolling along the surface. It can measure straight, curved, round, and other various shaped items with ease.

The outer wheel does makes a satisfying sound as it rolls along while an integrated spring-loaded ceramic bead gives an audible tactile click at the end of every full rotation of the outer ring. Each click represents 10cm.

Titaner’s Mini Titanium Curve Measure Slide Rule needs a bit of calculation to get the final measurement. When you reach the end of the surface, take note which numeric marking on the outer ring lines up with 0 on the inner ring. Then multiply the number of clicks by 10 and add the number that lines up with the inner ring’s 0. Say, it made six clicks and ended up with 7.2 (numeral 7 and two tick marks) on the 0 mark, then the measured distance is 67.2 cm or 672 mm. 

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Images courtesy of Titaner