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East Coast Defender Project Viper

Florida’s East Coast Defender has been recreating outstanding Land Rover Defenders for years. Always impressive, ECD strives for the perfect Land Rover every time and their newest bespoke vehicle has been…


Diamond Atelier’s Yamaha XSR900

It isn’t often a custom bike shop is allowed to experiment with entirely new design concepts, but Munich’s Diamond Atelier was given the sweet chance when Dutch watchmaker TW Steel…


Zebra Wooden Boat

Inspired by the classic 1947 Sea Maid Wooden Ski Boat, French industrial engineer Dimitri Bez has created a concept by blending timeless design with modern technology. His Zebra Wooden Boat …


Lowball 2: The Pinch

Discommon Goods are dedicated to helping designers realize some of their wildest and most interesting concepts. They have produced straight razors, a watch wallet, and even a Ferrari piston keychain.…


SolarGaps Window Blinds

Yevgen Erik, the founder of the Ukrainian startup company SolarGaps, wanted to bring the Eco-friendly concept of producing your own solar energy to anyone who wants it, even if they…



As BMW expands its M Series, they rework each entry for a different demographic. To fit in the sweet spot between the Competition Package M4 and the more powerful M4…


Bridgestone Airless Bicycle Tire

It has taken Bridgestone Tires over half a decade of work and research to develop a working concept for their patented “Air Free” tire. Originally targeted for automobiles, the idea…


Maui Clifftop House

The Clifftop House located in Kahului, Maui, Hawaii has garnered a number of awards and prizes for its creator, Dekleva Gregoric Architects. Built as an expansive single family home, the…


Vehicles of Mad Max: Fury Road

The Mad Max franchise of movies has always offered custom vehicle creation a chance to shine. As the Road Warrior futuristic combat cars grew in number, more talented builders were…

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