Having your own gym at home is a grand idea but not everyone can afford all those heavy equipment. A treadmill and an elliptical machine are mostly found in homes. Meanwhile, weights let you tone or build upper body muscles. The JOYSONG Cube Rower, on the other hand, lets you do strength training, Pilates, and other core exercises in a foldable design.

This is the “ultimate rowing machine for home use” that comes in a box. Cleverly hidden inside is a foldable track equipped with a  leather seat and full-sized pedal. The rower offers up to 25kg of resistance and 5kg more from an integrated water tank. The sound that the water makes during rowing gives the impression of paddling on a lake or river. You can also choose from over 40,000 real-time training videos from its mobile app for added immersive experience.

Aside from rowing, the JOYSONG Cube Rower also combines a seated fly machine capable of holding up 40kg of weight. The machine runs on a 24-level independent magnetic resistance system that lets you adjust the resistance to match your strength level with a click on the panel. This way, you can personalize and enhance the efficiency of your workout. 

You can do cable chest fly, cable crunch, incline bench press, cable twist, and more. The versatile design of the rower accommodates a wide range of fitness routines. It even has a touch panel that lets you choose from magnetic, water, or combined resistance for versatile workouts.

This JOYSONG Cube Rower also has a multifunctional digital display that helps you monitor your exercise effectiveness efficiently. The display gives real-time feedback on crucial workout metrics including calorie consumption and distance. Plus, it takes up compact space and is easy to move around thanks to its adjustable wheeled base. 

Check It Out

Images courtesy of JOYSONG