Card-type multi-tools provide convenient means to carry additional gear because they do not take up large space in your bag. They seamlessly fit in your pocket or wallet and comes in they even come equipped with tools needed for various purposes. But if you’re a lover of extreme outdoor adventures, then you may want to pack the Grim Workshop Jordan Jonas Signature Card.
Made from hardened stainless steel, this piece provides great survival tools for bushcraft, trapping, and hunting. Created with inputs from primitive survival expert Jordan Jonas, winner of Season 6 of History Channel’s Alone series, this multi-tool card ensures you never go a day without a catch to satiate your hunger. It comes with an arrowhead that you can use as a spike and a complete deadfall trap that you can pair with the Paiute deadfall trap for a stronger trigger and successful catch.
If fishing is your game, then you have the necessary hooks and lures on hand too. It comes with a couple of small hook/lure combos, four larger fishing hooks, a net making shuttle, and a sewing needle to mend fishnets or for other small repairs. An awl lets you do small leatherworks. Meanwhile, a sharpener card provides maintenance of your tools and blades and a tool retention system securely holds the gears in its dedicated slots in the card.
As with other card-sized multi-tools, the Grim Workshop Jordan Jonas Signature Card fits inside any standard card slot in the wallet. It can even fit inside a standard-sized “Mint” tin. It is proudly made in the USA and guaranteed to last for many great survival adventures.
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Image courtesy of Grim Workshop