Time is dynamic no matter where in the world you live. When you have families who live in different countries, chances are you don’t share the same time zone. This could be a problem when it comes to getting in touch with them, like calling or chatting online, as you’d have to make sure you’re both awake. Masafumi Ishikawa designed the World Clock for this purpose, to help you stay connected with your loved ones in different time zones.

This minimalist analog clock looks unassuming with its simple unheard of dodecagonal shape. It also only has one hand instead of two. But it makes checking the time in different countries easy, less of a chore, and feels almost like a game.

Ishikawa specifically designed the World Clock this way so you have the information you need at a glance without the complicated mechanisms or complex screens. Each of the 12 sides of the clock has labels for a city that represents a specific time zone. These include London at UTC+0, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, New Caledonia, New York, Mexico City, Karachi, Los Angeles, Moscow, Cape Town, and Paris. 

You check the time by simply rolling the clock on its side until the hand is pointing at the 12 o’clock position on the city of the time zone you want. Inside this clock are bearings that ensure the hand remains in the right position no matter which side is pointing up. 

The World Clock offers a simple yet ingenious way of telling the time and saves you the hassle of having to do the math when converting different time zones. Plus, it boasts a certain charm that will appeal to those with penchant for minimalist design as it easily blends in just about any setup.

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Images courtesy of Jun Takano/asafumiishikawa.com