The season may not yet be conducive for outdoor adventures, but we’re not about to tell you what to do. Lately, we’ve noticed an uptick in the marketing of camping gear and travel trailers. Perhaps some may want to shop ahead to be ready when spring arrives. For folks not after the creature comforts of home, the Ushi is the versatile platform for any escapade in the wild.

We’ve already shared plenty of options when it comes to motorhomes, but this platform is an entirely different system. The Ushi is what the manufacturer positions as a compact multipurpose solution for tailgating, work, camping, fishing, and other related activities. Its size and weight make it compatible with smaller vehicles as well as EVs.

Built out of wood and anodized aluminum, it’s a sustainable alternative to keep our environmental impact low. As we indicated earlier, it can haul supplies for a variety of scenarios and is easy to store when not in use. There’s adequate space for chairs, foldable tables, sleeping bags, coolers, tents, kitchen appliances, and other essentials.

Except for perishable items, the Ushi is designed to hold everything needed for your next trip. It basically allows us to hit the road at a moment’s notice. Circling back to its attributes, the Ushi is light enough for anyone to maneuver into place with a push or pull. The product page reads, “Our goal is not just to help you get out there. It’s to keep the “out there” pristine so future generations can enjoy it as we do today.”

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Images courtesy of Ushi Outdoors