426 Results For

“multi tool”


Motoped Black Ops Survival Bike

If zombies were to happen, our first choice for getting around would be an armored truck, but that’s way out of our price range, so a Motoped Black Ops Survival…


Survival Belt

Since you wear it everyday to hold your pants up, why not give your belt extra skills that might come in handy in an extreme situation? Enter the Survival Belt…



It was about time the good ‘ol wooden pencil got a design upgrade (some of us still use it!). It finally came in the form of pencil+($TBA), a wand they call…


Jackfish Survival Wallet

Survival gear comes in various packaging these days, so it was a simple matter of time before some guys (probably die-hard boy scouts) came up with the Jackfish Survival Wallet ($105). Unlike other…


Stanley FUBAR Demolition Bar

Multitools come in a variety of shapes and sizes these days, depending on their purposes. But not many of them are designed to cause so much destruction as the Stanley…

Men's Gear

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