
Jordan Formula 23

If you were to take a classic Air Jordan 10 and reduced the silhouette till it had a more lifestyle focused design than that of an athletic shoe, you would…


Piaggio Gita Cargo Bot

US-based Piaggio Fast Forward, the new branch of the Italian company that makes Vespa scooters, is posed to launch its first product this week. The Piaggio Gita Cargo Bot is…


Victorinox INOX Carbon Watch

The Victorinox INOX Carbon Watch ($950) is the latest addition to the I.N.O.X. line of adventure watches. The name “Carbon” is for its stylish black case, dial, and cord wristband. It…


Best Made Higo Knife

The Japanese love tradition, and that tradition includes pocket knives. The Higonokami knife was first created in 1894 and was such an excellent blade that it became a beloved tool…

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