
Bushcraft Thor Hammer

A man was arrested for stealing an authentic Thor hammer from a bar in the recent weeks. If only he held out and saw the Bushcraft Viking Thor Hammer he could have got his mitts on instead for a much cheaper price to pay


Roader: A Vlogger’s Dream

No longer will you ever suffer from missing out on the perfect video opportunity if you get a Roader. Roader is the anti-FOMO of cameras and perfect for road trips and general recording needs. The camera works by pre-recording 10 seconds of footage before you hit the shoot button so scrambling for your camera to get some live footage is easier than ever.


Bourbon Barrel Adirondack Chair

One of the latest creations from Moldovan's workshop is this remarkable and striking Bourbon Barrel Lounge Chair. We think this would look great on the front porch or in your back garden - a place for you to chill and have a cold one on a hot summer's day!


Prepdeck’s Convenient Meal Prep System

Making a change to your lifestyle and fitness is a great thing. Whether you are trying to bulk up like Schwarzenegger, get lean like Phelps, or lose some pounds like the guy from the show Man verses Food does between seasons, we all need some help.



With the World Cup done and dusted, Nike have stepped up to take the soccer world’s limelight once again. The sport giants have brought out a brand-new pair of cleats that have been engineered with precision technology for better ball control – something every guy needs.


Civilware Striker Fixed Blade

California isn’t just the home of tech-savvy companies trying to find ways of improving how we communicate and how we can teleport and what not. It is also home to Civilware, a company committed to providing some exceptional quality hunting knives designed to take on the biggest hunting tests


Roku’s Wireless TV Speakers

All the top TV manufacturers make use of a built-in streaming player. And in most cases, they adopt Roku’s. It providers viewers a one-stop space for all their channel needs. Unfortunately however, the same quality service cannot always be said for these great manufacturers’ TV sound quality. The new wireless speakers by the same go-to technicians see another Roku product being at the top of the pile


The Gold BMX Bike by Dior

Two unlikely sources have gotten into bed, a French fashion designer and a French star in the sporting world. Actually, when you put it like that, it’s not so unlikely is it. Dior Homme and BMX experts Bogarde have teamed up to collaborate on a lavish new bike that will make you either very intrigued or just confused.


Thousand Heritage Collection Helmet

If you like cycling and you like your head, you will like this one. There is a touching story behind the success of Thousand, a company dedicated to protecting bike riders.


Spyra One Water Rifle

The Spyra One is a serious upgrade to our beloved water guns. What makes it so great in our opinion is the fact that it addresses the shortcomings of regular water pistols. The 30 ml projectiles it fires are supposedly accurate for up to 7.5 meters and one full tank is good for 24 shots. Dip the nozzle in water and you can reload the rifle in 14 seconds with a single push of a button.


iPhone XS In Gold

If there’s one adage that best describes how the current world of tech news behaves, it’s that everything gets leaked no matter how hard companies try to keep them under wraps. Even tech juggernaut Apple isn’t immune to this, so it’s no surprise that the iPhone XS just got leaked.

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