Samsung announced the Galaxy S line back in 2010. Seven years later, we are expecting the latest addition, the Galaxy S8. And if history is any indication, the S8 will be a surefire success. Why? Well, because historically speaking, Samsung delivers much better devices at even numbers, than at odd numbers. The only exception was the Galaxy S7. Before that, the S2, the S4, and the S6 were revolutionary, and much better. Let’s take a look at what happened so far in the Galaxy S line.
Samsung Galaxy S2 – Design improvements
When Samsung announced the Galaxy S back in March 2010, there was not so much hype about the smartphone. The first Galaxy S phone was nothing special. With 4 inches display that looked cheap, Samsung couldn’t compete in the flagship ring. However, everything changed with the Galaxy S2. In a way accepting that the company cannot deliver perfect design, Samsung “copied” the design of the iPhone.The two companies went into a long court battle, with Samsung eventually paying Apple $1 billion. Apple rightfully claimed that Samsung copied the home button, tap to zoom feature, on-screen navigation, on-screen icons and some more. But some might say that those were the best $1 billion spent in marketing for Samsung. The Korean company became famous, and the S2 was one of the best phones in the history of the company.
The two companies went into a long court battle, with Samsung eventually paying Apple $1 billion. Apple rightfully claimed that Samsung copied the home button, tap to zoom feature, on-screen navigation, on-screen icons and some more. But some might say that those were the best $1 billion spent in marketing for Samsung. The Korean company became famous, and the S2 was one of the best phones in the history of the company.
Samsung Galaxy S4 – Here comes the camera
Samsung tried some experimenting with the design of the Galaxy S3. And they had some success. It is worth noting that the S3 is one of the best-selling phones by Samsung. In the year it was released, the S3 sold 65 million units. But the S4 topped that, and the camera was one of the main reasons.Samsung finally moved from the 8MP snapper to a more refined, more feature-rich 13MP snapper on the back of the phone. But what made the S4 camera special were features. The phone introduced panorama, smile, HDR, double photo, and some other features that allowed users to experiment with their phones. Suddenly, everyone with a Galaxy S4 could take great pictures. The S4 sold 70 million units the year it was released.
Samsung finally moved from the 8MP snapper to a more refined, more feature-rich 13MP snapper on the back of the phone. But what made the S4 camera special were the features. The phone introduced panorama, smile, HDR, double photo, and some other features that allowed users to experiment with their phones. Suddenly, everyone with a Galaxy S4 could take great pictures. The S4 sold 70 million units the year it was released.
Samsung Galaxy S6 – Samsung enters the world of metal
Before the Galaxy S6, all Samsung phones, despite being great, felt cheap. The main reason was Samsung stick to plastic as its main build material. Yes, the S5 had metal on the edges, same as the Note 4. However, they were nowhere near the elegant and sleek device that S6 was.When Samsung announced the S6, the company showed its intention to move into a new direction. And that direction was finally accepting the fact that a premium phone has to be made out of metal. The S6 featured a metal and glass unibody, looking again a lot like the iPhone. But there were no lawsuits this time. Samsung opted for other revolutionary moves with the S6, like removal of microSD slot, and removable battery. But the design was perfect, and the S6 was thinner than the iPhone.
When Samsung announced the S6, the company showed its intention to move into a new direction. And that direction was finally accepting the fact that a premium phone has to be made out of metal. The S6 featured a metal and glass unibody, looking a lot like the iPhone again. But there were no lawsuits this time. Samsung opted for other revolutionary moves with the S6, like the removal of microSD slot, and removable battery. But the design was perfect, and the S6 was thinner than the iPhone.
What to expect from Galaxy S8?
As mentioned so many times by now, Samsung brings some revolutionary features and design changes to even numbers. The only exception was the S7, which is one of the top 5 phones in smartphone history of all-time. How can Samsung top that?
Well, by improving all of the good things of the S7. For starters, Samsung will stick only to the Edge design for the S8. Rumors are there will be no flat version. When you think of the S7, the S7 Edge is the reason why the phone is so great. Also, Samsung will improve the camera of the phone. The snapper will be the same power, 12MP, but there will be more features and the lenses should allow for more light.
But most importantly, Samsung will bring its own voice assistant to the mix. Combine that with a phone that should be 30% more powerful, and have more efficient battery, and you have a winner in the Galaxy S8. We still have some unanswered questions regarding the S8, but if history is any indication, the best phone to date will come this spring.