A press image of the Moto G5 Plus was leaked earlier, and the photo revealed the design of the upcoming flagship. The Moto G5 Plus is the next medium-priced flagship by Lenovo. The company has had success in the past few years with the Moto G, which is a phone with almost as good as specs as flagships by Samsung, but with a little cheaper design. For example, while the Galaxy S line features metal, the Moto G line is a plastic phone.The official press release render of the phone is in line with the previous rumors and leaks of the phone’s design. Here is what we get.
The official press release render of the phone is in line with the previous rumors and leaks of the phone’s design. Here is what we get.
Moto G5 Plus design
The new design is mostly in line with the original design of the Moto G. That is a plastic phone with metal on the sides. And we still have the round edges. But the difference comes in the home button. Unlike the G4, the G5 Plus features a traditional rectangular home button.Rumors are that the home button will feature fingerprint sensor. And on the back, the pill-shaped camera panel is gone. The G5 now has a circular camera panel, which makes the phone look more sleek and elegant. The camera panel is the home for the lens and dual-LED flash. Another thing that is clear from the render is the Moto logo below the camera, which might be in silver color.
Rumors are that the home button will feature fingerprint sensor. And on the back, the pill-shaped camera panel is gone. The G5 now has a circular camera panel, which makes the phone look more sleek and elegant. The camera panel is the home for the lens and dual-LED flash. Another thing that is clear from the render is the Moto logo below the camera, which might be in silver color.
Moto G5 Plus Specs Rumors
There have been rumors regarding the specs of the Moto G5 Plus for quite some time. As we mentioned, the phone is a mid-price alternative to expensive flagships. And that is evident from the specs.The G5 Plus will feature a full HD 5.5 inches display. Inside, we’ll get Snapdragon 625, which is in line with the Samsung Galaxy A line. 4GB of RAM will accompany the CPU, and the phone will come with two storage options, 16 or 32GB. Of course, the phone has a microSD slot you can use to further expand the memory.
The G5 Plus will feature a full HD 5.5 inches display. Inside, we’ll get Snapdragon 625, which is in line with the Samsung Galaxy A line. 4GB of RAM will accompany the CPU, and the phone will come with two storage options, 16 or 32GB. Of course, the phone has a microSD slot you can use to further expand the memory.
As for the camera, you get a 16MP snapper on the back, and a 5MP camera on the front. The Moto G5 Plus will run on Android Nougat from the box.
Moto G5 Plus Price Rumors
The phone should be revealed at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. So far, we’ve come across prices of $350 to $400 for the G5 Plus. Those reports come from a Romanian website. However, considering that the G4 Plus costs $200 at the moment, the $400 price tag is a bit too much. Something in the line of $250 to $300 is probably the most accurate price range. After all, it is a mid-tier price phone.