What better way to start our guide to the best adult games for parties and get togethers than the granddaddy of all evil games, Cards Against Humanity. This game must be played to really be appreciated. A fair warning would be that it’s not for the fainthearted or people lacking in a wicked sense of humor. The beauty of it and why it’s so popular is how simple the actual setup is – all players are given a selection of white cards. Each round, a player picks a black card and the other players need to choose their funniest white card. The person who picked the black card originally then choses his or her favorite of the white card options.
It’s that simple. If that doesn’t sound so vile, then you’ve never played the game before. Without giving away too many spoilers, the black cards may contain a question or a statement with blanks and the white cards are used to fill those in. Depending on the cards you get, the white cards can vary from the bizarre and ridiculous to the downright disgusting and frankly, a little evil. You’re probably gonna look at your buddies differently after playing it. It’s really that bad.
- Maximum People 20+
- Age 17 and up
Another raucous card game is Drunk, Stoned or Stupid. This works in a similar way to CAH, but rather than deciding on the best white card for the black card option, each round you all pick a card and read it aloud. You then decide who in the group you’re playing with should be tagged with that card and the reasons for it. So, it’d be ‘which of your friends is mostly likely to?’. Again, similarly to how it is with CAH, it may seem fairly innocuous, but it’s deceptively very dark. You need to be prepared for home truths about you and your friends to be brought to light.
The cards can range from silly things like #163 Watch Planet Earth for 5 Hours and on the edge things like #207 Trash Talk at the Special Olympics. However, it’s in the more telling and revealing cards that things can get a little heated. So just be warned, if you or your friends are likely to come to blows or fall-out over a bad joke, you’re probably better playing something more civil. If you’re up for it and can stomach it though, you’re in for one hell of a game!
- Maximum People 4+
- Age 17 and up
With 4 or more people, you can have a try at Midnight Outburst, brought to you from the team behind the hugely successful Taboo. This involves 562 cards, a card reader to decrypt the writing on each card and a whole host of hot topics including sexuality, slang, drugs, drink and pop culture. The basic premise is that you and your team have 45 seconds to shout out as many words listed on that card. It may be the first time you’ve ever heard your friends say such things and they you, so be prepared to get a little flushed!
If you’ve played Outburst, you already know what its all about. Each card has a funny headline as a hint. The idea is that the team that does the guessing, does not know the headline topic of that card until they’ve chosen. So, there’s no way to worm you’re way out if you’re feeling a bit nervous about it all. Points are awarded for every correct word yelled out that matches a word on the card. There’s the chance of bonus points too, if you ever feel inclined to play it that by the book.
- Maximum Players 4+ divided into 2 teams
- Age 17 and up
Utter Nonsense Naughty Edition is a completely mental card game that involves players combining silly phrases and silly accents to create sayings that are just a little bonkers. There’s a total of 450 Phase Cards and 50 Accent Cards. You may find, just on that rarest of occasion that the cards match up well together. However, there’s more of a chance that they’re not going to mi well. Once combined, you need to act them out and that’s when the fun really starts.
This game is an all-inclusive one though, so don’t worry. You really don’t need to be any good at impressions or accents, and the phrases really don’t need to make much sense. What do you expect from a game called Utter Nonsense? Players are encouraged and egged on to really improvise, think outside of the box and really make the phrases that are created their own. As the game progresses, even the shyest and most reserved of your group of friends and relatives will become masters of improv in no time., Obviously, as this is the Naughty Edition, you can expect that some of the phrases and accents will be a little below the belt.
- Maximum Players 4 - 20
- Age 17 and up
Do you like to tell stories? Are you able to make them up? Would you like to have fun trying? Then, you might enjoy Late Night Stories. This is a game that involves random and unrelated story cards picked out to create an extraordinary story. Other players then vote on the stories created and someone is crowned the master storyteller. You get a total of 185 different story cards and 65 voting cards. Each story card consists of a hand-drawn piece of artwork. How does it work then?
Well to begin the game, one player is chosen from the group to be that round’s storyteller. Then cards are taken from the Story Card deck and placed face down until there are a total of 7 cards. Then the Storyteller reveals each card at a time while telling the story he completely made up on the fly. Then everyone else votes. Eventually, once all the stories have been told and you’re ready to call the game to a close, the winner is the player who has the most votes. There’s a few different options for playing – Tongue-Tied Drinking, Power in Numbers, Lightning Round and many more!
- Maximum Players 3 - 8
- Age 18 and up
If you’re going to get drunk, you might as well play a fun game at the same time, right? That sentiment works with the hilarious These Cards Will Get You Drunk. The team behind the game claims that no two games are the same, thanks to the 100 dynamic and versatile cards. It’s rather easy to pick up and have a great time. Whether you’re in a group of 2, 3 or even 8. The recommended minimum age for players is 21, so no kids and if you’re going to drink, do it in moderation and be responsible.
Choose your poison, and then get ready for a fun evening. How do you play? You first take a card from the deck, read it aloud and then the instructions on the card reveals who is to do what and will determine who takes a drink. Some examples of what’s possible include ‘Tell a joke, if no one chuckles or laugh, you drink’, ‘Pick a person and start a staring contest. Loser drinks.’ And ‘Everyone votes on who is the most likely to be in bed by 10PM. That person drinks.” We’re sure you get the point. Anything could happen.
- Maximum Players 2 - 8
- Age 21 and up
You’ve probably got the point by now, as most of these card games revolve around the same sorta thing. With Never Have I Ever, the point of the game is revealing never said before revelations that are at times comical and others, rather shocking. In all in the name of good fun and hilarity. If you’ve ever wanted to really find out who your friends are – to know their darkest and deepest, most shameful and outrageous secrets, this is the game for you. It really is a game where your most ugly memories and poorest life decisions can become winning points.
It all starts with each player being dealt 10 of the 485 unique Question cards, with the rest being returned to the box. The Rule Cards are then all placed on the table or surface you’re playing the game on. Following the Rule cards, you work through them and then when one player is left with 10 Blue game cards that they’ve exchanged for during the game. Be prepared to reveal some embarrassing stuff about your life, and if your friends don’t know these things, then you may have some explaining to do.
- Maximum Players 4 – 12+
- Age 17 and up
DRINK-A-PALOOZA is a huge party of a board game. It aims to merge new-school drinking games with those of yesteryear. So, if you’re already a fan of games like Quarters, Flip Cup, Kings Cup, Beer Pong and others, then you’ll enjoy it. Many college students have already been turned on to this amazing game. Don’t worry as you don’t really need a beer pong table. You can play just about anywhere and comes with everything you need to get started. That means you get mini beer bottles that are collected during the game, dice, playing cards, spin the bottle and bear pong balls.
So how do you get started? It really depends on the game. Spin the Bottle – Spin the included bottle to figure out which player will go first. Then establish house rules – are you all going to be sipping or seconds? Roll the Dice – Roll a dice to make your way round the included board and compete in the mini games like Quarters, Beer Pong and Flip Cup. It all goes towards collecting those mini bottles and once you have your pack of 6 full, you’re the winner.
- Maximum Players 12
- Age 21 and up
Freedom of speech is something people are willing to die for in the world, are you willing to suffer the red face and embarrassment from saying things that normally would be uncivil and a little rude? You’ll probably enjoy Freedom of Speech then. As this game involves teams of two to 10 competing against each other. The aim is to guess exactly what’s written on cards. A team wins when they have collected a total of 21 correctly guessed cards. The game includes 400 laugh-out-loud funny cards and you even get a button-style timer that works faster and faster.
Where really could you find a game that you get to scream weird words like Sex Robots, Horny Grandma and others like it. Do you think you’d be able to describe these things so that others would guess them? Then, give Freedom of Speech a go for your next social gathering, game night or just when you’re all killing time and not sure what to do. We promise you won’t regret it. Wallflowers, people lacking senses of humor and the easily offended need not bother with this game at all.
- Maximum Players 4 – 20
- Age 17 and up
We’ve all played the classic game of world domination, Risk, before. Haven’t we? What if the setting was changed and wasn’t the known world, well not the one we live in but that of Westeros? In the Game of Thrones Edition of Risk, you have your chance to claim the Iron Throne representing one of the 7 Noble House families of the land. This is one for real Thronees. Each army is made up of 45 painstakingly-crafted game pieces. That’s 315 in total, that are represented for 2 different sculpted designs and there’s 1 sculpted Seat of Power or Castle.
Feast your eyes on the 2 completely customized game boards showing the whole of Westeros and beyond. You can take part in the War of Five Kings throughout the lands in Westeros, as one of the Houses – Tyrell, Lannister, Baratheon, Stark and Martell. Fight against the Ghiscari slavers in Essos and just so much more. If you just want to go full hog, you can combine both game boards and play the full 7 player game featuring everyone. There’s everything you need and more in this great game. Are you ready to fight for what is rightfully, or wrongfully yours?
- Maximum Players 2 - 7
- Age 18 and up
Don’t you just want to shout out what you’re really thinking when you stub your toe, or your friend does something that irritates you? Social norms often hold us back from saying what we really want to. Such as swearing. Now, you have the opportunity to really swear at your friends without them getting offended. With the appropriately-named F**k. The Game. Is it really that surprising that it’s from Australia? The funniest thing is that this is considered a brain training game. How, then, does it work?
You take the cards and divide them up among all player with them facing down. Each of you then take turns flipping cards over and saying the answers. You need to check the 4 rule cards to find out the right answer. If, though, you either take too long to answer or give the wrong answer, the race is on for the others to slap the deck. The person who wins a slap, takes the top 2 cards and gives them to whoever they want. The rest of the remaining cards in the center goes to the loser who then must take another turn. The winner is the player without any cards left. The cards feature an incredibly and belly-laughing combo of swear words and colors. Give it a go, and watch the air turn blue!
- Maximum Players 3 - 8
- Age 18 and up
This is yet another game that involves revealing your deepest and darkest secrets to your group of friends. Are you noticing a pattern? A lot of these games revolve around that sorta premise, and that’s why we love them. In this salacious game you get 400 different Shameless Questions to answer, a ballot box with yes/no chips, 10 voting dials and 10 wood movers. Are you starting to see where the word Privacy comes into it all? You’re probably a little scared and intrigued all at once, right? So, how does this awesome game work?
You begin by choosing one of the 400 questions, and then everyone drops their answer in anonymously using the yes/no chips. Next, you need to cast a vote as to how many people voted yes. You’re probably already there with us, but points go to the people who guess the right number of Yes votes. It’s an incredibly cathartic and naughty way to reveal all to your nearest and dearest, without saying a word. Although you may wish to spill the beans and tell everyone ‘I did illegal steroids’, you may not want to own up to be the person whose ‘parents walked in on them having sex’. Go on, have a go, after all you’ve only got to lose your dignity!
- Maximum Players 5 - 10
- Age 18 and up
Cows Grilling Hamburgers must win some kinda prize for that game name. This is another one of those ‘did you really say that?’ type game. It’s offensive, hilarious and has a cow on the box’s cover. If you’re a fan of Cards Against Humanity, you’ll love this and if you’ve run out of all the options offered by CAH, you really need this in your life. With so many crappy things happening in the world, it’s nice to just kick back, relax and cry with laughter at some disturbing things.
It essentially works in the same way as CAH or like a more adult-friendly Apples to Apples. You must fill in the blanks to something innocuous with whatever’s on your white cards. We’re not even gonna share any of the examples of what’s possible, you’ll just have to check out the link or buy the damn game yourself and experience the trauma-inducing hilarity for yourself. As ever with these kinda games, we’d recommend that if you’ve not got a dark sense of humor or find yourself easily offended, then you’re probably best giving this one a hard pass, unless you’re looking to expand your horizons about what you consider to be funny.
- Maximum Players 3+
- Age 17 and up
Now, anyone who skimmed down this page, but was drawn to the name Exploding Kittens and delightful image of a cat and stopped to have a look. Put your hands up please! You’re all in big trouble now! Seriously though, we can only really recommend this game for people who are fans of things like exploding kittens, whatever the hell boob wizards are and the occasional butt. Further to that rip-roaring invitation is the fact that it’s one of the most backed projects ever on Kickstarter and includes cards with illustrations handled by The Oatmeal. So, what’s it all about and why is it so NSFW?
Well, imagine Russian Roulette, with cards and you’re halfway there. In a nutshell, you place all the cards from the deck in the center of the table and then each player takes turns drawing one. Basically, until you explode…that is, draw an Exploding Kitten card. That’s not all though, as you can avoid Exploding Kitten cards and being knocked out by playing what are known as Defuse Cards. These distract the Exploding Kittens with things such as catnip sandwiches, kitten yoga and laser pointers. Other cards can be played that mean you skip a turn, attack players or peek at the deck. You see, there’s some method behind all the madness!
- Maximum Players 2 - 5
- Age 30 and up
If you’ve ever played the game known as Would You Rather? you already know what Pick Your Poison is all about. Another one of those great games that reveals far more than you’d think about those whom you choose to spend your time with. There are more than 300 different Poison cards and too many card combinations to count. The creators behind the hit games Hot Seat and The Voting Game were also responsible for this bad boy. Be warned, the minute you start playing this game, it becomes addictive and then there’s no turning back from that rabbit hole or poisoned chalice.
They say that one man’s poison is another man’s cure or cake, depending on who told you it. With this game, players are presented with two equally dire situations. The player appointed as Judge can answer questions posed by the players to find out more about each choice. Players then are asked to pick, anonymously, the poison they’d choose. You can then tally the points up at the end of each round, figuring out who agrees with you and who’s as loopy as a rollercoaster in a tumble dryer! Although it’s not quite as bad as some of the others, there’s a NSFW version too.
- Maximum Players 3 - 16
- Age 13 and up
JENGA! We all know and all love Jenga, don’t we? The fun and rather unnerving brick stacking and toppling game. Have you ever wondered what might happen if you added a lot of drinking to Jenga? How much harder would it be to balance blocks on top of one another with drink? We now know the answer, thanks to ShouldWeDrinktonight and the game Tipsy Tower. This involves 54 high-quality wooden blocks, with 1 of 36 different games and rules printed on those blocks. Some classic games are included such as ‘make a rule’, ‘moose’ and ‘story time’. Alongside new favorites such as ‘nicknames’, ‘most likely to’ and ‘god’.
Basically, you must try and pull one of the blocks out of the stack without toppling the tower. You then need to read the bottom of that block and follow the rule or play the game. It’s as simple as that. Well, it’s easy to say that when we’re not actually playing the game, isn’t it? To find out for yourself just how easy or hard it is, you’d have to just get the game and play it with some friends. Be warned, you may not be able to walk in a straight line, never mind stop a tower from toppling.
- Maximum Players N/A
- Age 18 and up
What is it with all these games revolving around breaking social norms and making it acceptable to say the unacceptable out loud for all and sundry to hear? Who is sundry? All of this is answered and more with Circle of Jerks, a brand-new game from PlayFore Games. What do you get? A small, pocket-sized tin with the rules sheet and 57 cards. Games last for 15 to 20 seconds each round. Be careful though, you may have to shout some of the worst things imaginable out loud. All in the name of winning a stupid game and isn’t that what it’s all about when you really break it right down to the bare bones of things? No, we’re just talking crap now. Anyway, more about this game.
Gameplay involves distributing all the cards evenly among the players and then you need to match the symbols on the card each player has and the one on the center. After finding a match, you then must yell out exactly what’s on the card and stick it on top of the growing stack. Sounds simple, does it? You should know by now that these games are far from simple. The crutch is that what you must yell out is not really something you want to yell out loud. How’s that sound to you?
- Maximum Players 2 - 8
- Age 18 and up
Trivial Pursuit is one of those timeless classics, don’t you think? It’s the way you sort the knowledgeable ones from the dummies. The problem we always found with the game was once you’d played it a good few times, you’d memorize the answers, and therefore, that took a lot of the challenge out of it. Fortunately, there was a few updates over the years. One of the latest is this The Master Edition. With this version you get an amazing array of 2,950 challenging, intriguing and often very funny questions. That’s more than enough to really sort the trivia buffs from the, well, buffs.
Although it’s not really that naughty or ‘adult’, it’s still good to break the mold a little and test each other. You can play in two different ways – following the traditional rules or with a more quick-fire way. In case you didn’t know – there’s 6 main categories that questions are derived from. Sports and leisure, science and nature, art and literature, history, entertainment and geography. The great thing is that there’s a lot of room for versatility with this game. When you need a break form all the swearing and inappropriate behavior, you turn to Trivial Pursuit.
- Maximum Players 2 - 4
- Age 16 and up
When you’ve done with all that swearing, trivia and drinking, what you really need is a good ol’ post-apocalyptic survival game. CMON: Hate is based on graphic novels written by the highly-regarded Adrian Smith. This is a continuously and unrelentingly brutal campaign-based board game set in a world where survival is the most important thing. At whatever cost. You see, some games are considered adult because they’re extremely violent and involve desperate times calling for desperate people to perform desperate and atrocious acts.
With this game, the winner is based on the player who expertly manages to use all forms of savagery and untold violence to upgrade their resources and warriors. Yes, it does involve doing all manner of nasty things and it does involve plundering. All with the aim of unlocking greater powers and strengths from the villages to win. However, as Hate is the name of the game, only the player with the most hate will be able to become the all-ruling tyrant. This game, although just a board game, is not really for the faint-hearted and weak willed.
- Maximum Players 2 - 6
- Age 18 and up
Be prepared for another game of inappropriateness and rowdiness with Adult Loaded Questions. This involves a whole load of hysterical questions, deeply hilarious answers and just belly laughs all round. In the long-running tradition of games like Would You Rather? Cards Against Humanity and Cows Eat Hamburgers comes another game that will reveal a lot more about your friends than you probably ever wanted to know. Remember, it’s all in good fun and just because someone answered a question in a certain way, it doesn’t mean you should change their opinion of them…or does it? That’s really for you to decide!
Basically, there’s cards with over 308 very stimulating, odd and frankly more than a little suggestive question. You start by flicking the spinner, picking a card and reading the appropriate question out loud. Then all the other players need to write their own personal answer on the answer sheets provided. These are anonymous and are collected and read by the person sitting to your right. Once you’ve heard all the answers, you then choose the favorite and try to match who gave what answer. If you get it right, you get a VIP card, as does the person who gave the winning answer. The winner is the first person who collects 8 VIP cards. It couldn’t be simpler and couldn’t be more addictive!
- Maximum Players 4 - 6
- Age 17 and up
Everyone loves Monopoly, right? If you want a break from playing standard Monopoly and fancy something a little wacky, rude and out of this world, why not give the extremely irreverent Rick and Morty edition of the popular and much-loved property board game a go? Based on the [adult swim] animated series and its beloved characters, Monopoly: Rick and Morty gives you the chance to buy, sell and trade locations from the Multiverse. Monopoly playing pieces are replaced with highly-collectible Rick and Morty-inspired tokens. You can play as a Council of Rick’s Badge, Snuffles’ Helmet, Rick’s Ship, Plumbus, the portal gun or the Meeseeks Box.
Some of the noteworthy Multiverse locations included around the board are Planet Squanch, Gazorpazorp and the Cromulon Dimension, as well as many others and even some Earth-based locales too. You use Flurbo currency and instead of houses and hotels you play with Gooble Boxes and Fooble Cranks and just expect a Monopoly experience like one you’ve never had before.
- Maximum Players 2 - 6
- Age 17 and up
When a game proclaims itself to be the ‘blurriest game ever’, you know you’re in for a serious bit of drunken tomfoolery. That’s exactly the experience promised by Drinkopoly – a truly forgettable one anyway. The whole point of the game is to bring people together and well, to be fun and entertaining. Aren’t all games really about that, when you think about it? The difference is that this includes the intake of alcohol. What’s it all about though?
Drinkopoly features a board with 44 different fields that involve tasks that require either a short or long drink. In addition, there’s also extra fields with specialized tasks such as Bar, Bartender, Strip Bar. Furthermore, you’ll also find some card fields where you must perform other daring task to progress further in the game. In addition to all of that, there’s 50 special cards that describe various interesting and often daring tasks, that if you pick them you must perform the task or take a drink in order to move onwards in the game. While many of them, as you’d expect are silly and funny, some are more risqué and sexier, while others are just barmy.
- Maximum Players 1 - 69
- Age 21 and up
We’ve already discussed Drunk Stoned and Stupid and here we have the follow-up game by the same nasty people. Time for some more irreverent and diabolical situations to choose between. Like the Would You Rather game, If You Had to involves a deck of 250 cards and any number of players from 3 and upwards. Seriously, as with most of these games, the more the merrier, or the more brutal. Just, avoid this game at all costs if you value your friendships and see them through rose-tinted glasses. This game will change your opinion of yourself and those who are closest and dearest to you in life. Is a game worth that?
Of course, it is! Don’t be a baby and get this game to see who really are the creepiest in your circle of friends. Each player gets 5 cards each and then you each play one that you think the judge would least like to do. The player deemed the judge must then be won over through persuasion, cohesion and witty explanations why your card is the worst. If you’re successful in convincing the judge, you are awarded a point and the first to 5 points is the winner. Or is that loser? We’re not sure to be perfectly honest.
- Maximum Players 3+
- Age 17 and up
Now, it doesn’t really take a genius to work out if a game is called ‘Disturbed Friends’ and claims to be, and we’re quoting here, ‘the worst game ever made’, you’ve been forewarned. Anything that happens after you purchase this game and play it, is your own damn fault. It really and truly is. Deal with it and move on. You know the drill by now…following the same traits as many other games, Disturbed Friends is designed to figure out just how disturbed that ragtag crew you call friends really are and for them to figure out how disturbed you are. Has your friendship been under pressure and strain recently? Then this is not the game for you. This is a game for strong friends.
You see, much like others we’ve mentioned, this involves hypotheticals. You’re faced with a whole host of unethical debates, horrible situations and sexual scenarios. In this game there are no real winners, it’s just an excuse to be the person you probably are deep inside yourself and laugh at the ghastliness of you and your chums. Someone picks a card with a multiple-choice question on it and reads it out loud. The others then must vote on what they think that person will pick. If anyone voting chooses the right answer, they get a point, for what it’s worth and get to gloat with a cartoon #WINNING card and you all can pretend to be disgusted. Until, it’s your turn to pick. Enjoy!
- Maximum Players 4 (Mini Game) – 14 (Full Game)
- Age 21 and up
Everyone knows about 5 Second Rule, right? Ellen brought it to mainstream television audiences, by playing it with some of her famous guests. While there’s also a plethora of hilarious videos online of people playing it. Well PlayMonster saw that the demand was great for this game and decided to go back to the drawing board, take the closed caption off on their sick and twisted minds and made a full-on NSFW version. What we have here is the same game, in principle, but one with even less principles than before.
For the uninitiated – you get five seconds to name three things. So, you take a card and that will have a description of things you have to name. A random example would be Name 3 ways to hide a fart. If you think that’s tame and easy enough, you must be some kinda maverick Clint Eastwood type. Either that or you’ve not tried to rack your brains for 3 things quickly in 5 seconds. The pressure of the time limit and then the added pressure and embarrassment of many of the cards in this game can make what seems like an easy thing to do – extremely hard. Be prepared for some no-holds barred type nonsense.
- Maximum Players 3+
- Age 17 and up
If we said that the next game was connected to the hilarious-if-slightly-irreverent-bordering-on-deeply-offensive online comic Cyanide & Happiness, you’d have at least a clue as to how bad this game is. When we say bad, we obviously mean good…or do we? 26 into our guide and we’re not even sure anymore. Have you very read any of Cyanide & Happiness’s 3-panel comics before? No? Then what the hell are you doing here…turn away. If you have on the other hand, we’ve got some good news for you. You get to be in the driving seat.
That’s right, with this game, you and your friends get to make your own 3-panel comics. Meaning you are completely responsible and culpable for what happens in the comics. You start with 360 cards with comic panels. Once you’ve all been given cards, the player referred to the Judge takes the top card from the deck and turns it over. They then take on from their own cards and place it at either side of the original card. It’s up to everyone else to finish the joke. Then the judge picks the funniest and the person responsible for that gets points or something. Winning at something by being disgusting is not really winning is it?
- Maximum Players 3 – 10
- Age 18 and up
We’re back in Westeros for another game that’ll get all you Thronees out there excited. How about the combination of the world’s best fast-dealing property trading game with HBO’s fantasy series? That’s kinda what you get with the Game of Thrones Collector’s Edition of Monopoly. Like the Rick and Morty edition we featured further up the page, everything in this game has been customized to fit the Game of Thrones theme. Locations, the hand-sculpted tokens, houses and hotels and even the Chance and Community Chest cards have all been altered.
This is a truly beautiful thing. The hand sculpted tokens are so elegant. They give you the chance to play as a White Walker, the Three-Eyed Raven, the Iron Throne itself, a Dragon Egg, Direwolf or Crown. As you work your way round the board, you’ll come across many of the most iconic and important locations in the series and all the money features Essos and Westeros symbols. As noted earlier, Chance and Community Chest have been changed. Here they become Valar Morghulis and The Iron Throne. As you’d imagine, there’s some treachery, betrayal, valor and intrigue always on the horizon throughout this game. Don’t trust anyone.
- Maximum Players 2 - 6
- Age 18 and up
Okay, so this version isn’t exactly the NSFW version, but with 27 other games so far of pure and utter dreadfulness, we think we’re all due a break. However, even in its tame form, this game, The Voting Game is quite an experience, to say the least. Another home truth come to roast style of game that may leave you scowling at your buddies. Don’t scowl too hard though, as it’s all a bit of fun.
So, what’s involved? It’s your basic answer ‘who’s most likely to’ type of deal. Be warned, once you’ve let something out of the bag, even anonymously, it’s not likely to say secret for very long. You just kinda need to embrace it and know that you and any of your friends playing with you are going through the same thing. Our favorite thing is the warning that this game is not recommended for people in accountancy and those without any personality. Aren’t they one and the same thing? Sorry all accountants reading this, we love you, we really do.
- Maximum Players 5 - 10
- Age All Ages
Hot Seat is another, similar, but equally as funny and challenging game along the same lines as The Voting Seat etc. It’s another chance to discover just how awful the friends you have are, or at least how weird they are. It’s also a whole lot of fun. Just be warned, as always, that it’s not ideal for anyone who has a more delicate sense of humor. You’ll discover things you maybe have always wanted to know and so many that you didn’t want to know.
This game involves 3 cards being drawn and then choosing one that everyone needs to answer. The questions vary from the disturbing to the silly. All the players filling out answers need to put on their thinking caps and pretend they’re the player in the hot seat. The it’s time to try and guess the answer that came from the person in the hot seat. A whole lot of fun, but you’ve be warned, it can get weird and all-too-revealing at times.
- Maximum Players 5 - 10
- Age 17 and up
You could be forgiven for thinking that with a name like Quick and Dirty, this game was about something even more explicit than it is. However, the name refers to the fact that people with the quickest wits and dirtiest minds are the ones who’ll succeed in the game. This game is perfect for small and large groups and it only takes less than 30-seconds to figure out the rules and gameplay. It’s also incredibly portable, as all you need is in the deck of 70-cards, made up of 24 letter cards and 42 topic cards. There’s more than 1000 different and unique rounds you can play of this game and it can even be easily adapted as a drinking game. So how does it work?
Someone starts by flipping over one of the topic cards and then a letter card. It’s up to all involved to race against each other to be the very first person to shout out an appropriate answer with the correct first letter. Herein lies how it can get graphic and should be reserved for adults. However, that’s not the only way to play, as these cards are versatile. Other games include Finger Play, Party Play and Judge Play. Do you have what it takes to be filthy and quick on the draw?
- Maximum Players 2 - 20
- Age 17 and up
The original definition of a ‘meme’ is it’s a style, behavior or idea that’s spread from one person to another within a specific culture. On the internet, it’s a piece of text, video or even just an image that’s normally very funny and copied and shared by lots of people very quickly, with alterations made along the way. In What Do You Meme? you and your friends compete to see who can create the best and funniest memes. Think you got what it takes?
This is achieved by using one of the cards you are dealt to create a caption for the photo card played in each round. The winner of a round is decided by a judge that rotates each time. You get a total of 435 cards, comprising of 360 caption cards and 75 photo cards. Hilarity, profanity and a whole lot of bellyaches are bound to ensue!
- Maximum Players 3 - 20
- Age 17 and up
We’ve been through so many of these that it’s possible we don’t need to warn you anymore about what you’re getting yourself in for when a game is called Bad People. It’s not just a clever title. As the taglines say, ‘the party game you probably shouldn’t be playing’ and ‘find out what your friends really think of you’. This game involves voting on all your so-called friends for various brutal, outrageous and scandalous, but hilarious questions. This is the ultimate way to learn about any skeletons your friends may have in their cupboards.
You get 290 hysterical cards, 10 identity cards (one for each player), 100 voting cards, 10 double down cards and 170 question cards. Someone is appointed as the Dictator and they pick a question card and read it to the group. Then, everyone else must vote on the person they think matches that question best. The group then takes turns revealing their votes, followed by the Dictator. If anyone’s voted the same as the Dictator, you get a point. That is, of course, unless you played your double down card. The game lasts if it takes for someone to get to 7 points. Be prepared though, as it’s bound to get messy!
- Maximum Players 3 - 10
- Age 17 and up
The Red Expansion Pack of Bad People means that there’s even more hours of hurt feelings and wild revelations revealed when you play this game. If you know you’re going to love this game, we’d recommend investing in this pack. However, if you’re not entirely sure, it might be best to stick to the original game on its own to start with.
Sometimes good people do bad things. But sometimes bad people are just bad people. What are your friends? Find out with this hilarious game.
- Maximum Players 3 - 10
- Age 17 and up
We’ve already featured PlayMonster in this guide with their 5 Second Rule game. However, the makers of that game also made a hilarious game called The Game of Things. Well. In the tradition of popular family games being given an adult upgrade, they’ve done the same thing with The Game of Things in the shape of The Game of Nasty Things. There’s 256 different topic cards, a response pad and pencils. That’s all you need to start the chaos. You need to step back for a second and really think about whether your friendships are strong enough to handle the crazy.
If you do decide to go ahead with it, someone takes one of the topics (and trust us, they’re Red Band), then you all must write a response to it. Obviously, in this kind of game there’s no right or wrong answers. There might be disgusting, depraved and shocking answers but no right or wrong. Judgement but no right or wrong. Next, all the answers are read out loud. The person who drew the topic card must try and work out which friends said which things. It’s bound to be very revealing.
- Maximum Players Groups
- Age 17 and up
Are you a fan of innuendos? Don’t be shy, we know you are, or you wouldn’t be here. Remember the punchline Michael Scott always used in the American version of The Office. Well, now there’s an entire party game devised around the principle. You get a total of 458 cards, including 58 Red Setup cards and 400 White Phrase cards. The rest is up to you and your crazy, dirty friends.
You start by assigning who you all agree is the kinkiest one of your group is as the judge. They start off the game by picking a Red Setup card and reading it out loud. Each person has a selection of white cards to choose from in their hand and must play what they think it the most inappropriate to form a hilarious innuendo. The judge for that round is the person who choose the winner and they get the red setup card as a marker. The winner of the game is the first to have 5 red setup cards. The losers are just losers.
- Maximum Players 4+
- Age 17 and up
After all the terribleness and disgusting games, we’ve discussed, how about a bit of a break? Conspiracy Theory is a trivia board game based on, you’ve guessed it, Conspiracy theories from the internet. Although it’s not exactly adult-focused, do you really want to just always play games that show how vile you and your friends are? Why not have a bit of fun trying to figure out the answers to questions about different types of conspiracies from 5 categories – Schemes, Technologies, Aliens, Mythos and Random.
The aim of the game is to collect a set of matching cards. However, you need to be careful of Cover-ups, as these can take some or maybe even all the cards in your collection. With 250 different conspiracy cards and 25 Cover-up cards, there is plenty of scope for many hours of play with this game. A nice bonus feature is the inclusion of a QR code on each card to give more information about the conspiracies.
- Maximum Players 2 - 6
- Age 14 and up
How about a change of pace? Welcome to Scythe. This is a board game set in an alternate reality 1920s Europa. The first great war has still left its shadow over the land and the capitalist city-state with the name The Factory is responsible for fueling the war with its creation of heavily-armed Mechs. It closed its doors, and this drew the attention of many neighboring countries. This is an interesting game that involves miniature character pieces, objective cards, encounter cards and combat cards.
The main aim of the game is to take on the role of a fallen leader who is attempting to restore their hone by leading a faction into power across Eastern Europa. You can conquer territory, take on new recruits, benefit from resources, add villagers, build new structures and eventually operate a devastating Mech. A great alternative to Monopoly on game night.
- Maximum Players 1 - 5
- Age 14 and up
Ah yes, charades. The timeless classic of games night. The game where you must act out a phrase, movie title or something else. The game that the only terrible thing that happens is that someone on your team can’t act out ‘Indiana Jones’ properly. Harmless, hilarious and a completely innocuous. That was until Wonder Forge got their grubby mitts on it. You get a total of 1,000 hilarious, if salacious and outrageous words to act out in two teams. You get soft foam balls and Twist Tiles to add extra dimensions of difficulty to the whole affair.
As with normal charades, you get a set amount of time to act a word or phrase out. If the opposing team throws the soft foam ball once the time runs out, and you manage to catch it you can continue acting out for longer. If you don’t, you don’t get extra time. Twist Tiles will mean you have to not only perform the dirty charade, but while performing a challenge at same time, such as sitting on the floor or only using one hand. This is rip-roaring fun and we’re sure you’ll have a good time. Even if you leave the game a little red-faced.
- Maximum Players 4+
- Age 18 and up
Ever wonder what happens after mobsters rob a bank and then can’t decide who deserves the biggest cuts of the money? That’s essentially what Cash n Guns aims to figure out. Well, kind of. You basically play as a bunch of gangsters who have pulled off the heist of the century and then face the problem of internal bickering.
Obviously, bullets speak a little louder than words. So, you all must try and point foam pistols at each other to try and intimidate your opponents to let you have the biggest share of the money. Only the bravest crooks will win in the end and reap the benefits. That is, for as long as they are alive.
- Maximum Players 4 - 8
- Age 10 and up
If Cards Against Humanity, Never Have I Ever and Truth & Dare are all your kinda thing and you’ve completely ruined your friendships yet – meet Confessions. The board game that’s all about secrets and lies is sure to make for the most awkward game night ever. There are 308 cards, made up of 10 voting cards and 298 confession cards. This is a game of bluffing, essentially. That’s it. Sounds easy? You’ve not really paid attention to our guide thus far have you? There’s a lot more to it than just that.
Each player reads a card prompt and expounds on a story based on that card. You can give as many or as few details as you wish. The aim is to make it as believable or unbelievable as possible. The other people playing then must guess if you are telling a lie or telling the truth. As this is an adult-orientated game, you can imagine that the card prompts are the real crutch. Some are just silly and fun, while others are darker and incredibly awkward. If you’re looking to make the game even more outrageous, it can be turned into a drinking game and the makers have included rules for that type of game.
- Maximum Players 3 - 10
- Age 17 and up
Finally, we come to the last in our guide. In a similar vein to the clean, family edition, Codenames, Codenames: Deep Undercover involves new, and more NSFW words, packaging, art and ‘by-standers’. If you’ve ever wanted to play spy, you may enjoy this game. 2 people play as spymasters on opposing sides, who each know the secret identities of 25 agents. The other members of their team know the agents only by Codenames. Spymasters give one-word clues that could relate to numerous cards on the board.
The idea is for your team to pick the right cards and reveal the agents on their team and avoid revealing the opposing team. Although it may sound innocuous, and we’ve said this before, this is an adult game so you can expect outrageous clues towards the codenames of different spies.
- Maximum Players 2+
- Age 18 and up
How many people do you need, at a minimum, for most adult card or board games?
There’s no smoke without fire and you can’t have a game without players. When choosing the best adult or board card game for you and your friends, its important to consider the question highlighted above.
You’ll find that most games allow for a different number of maximum players. Some don’t even have an upper limit. However, if there’s one thing that’s almost completely a standard across all board and card games, whether they’re adult-orientated or not, it’s that you need at least 2 or even 3 people to play a game properly.
Can these Games be fun even when you’re not slightly drunk?
This is an interesting question really, because it depends on whether most of your social situations and gatherings involve the use of alcohol as social lubrication. We would argue at Men’s Gear that while you obviously don’t need to be drunk to play the Game of Thrones version of Monopoly, neither do you need to be slightly drunk to play Cards Against Humanity. It helps, it really helps. How so? Alcohol helps by breaking down your inhibitions, and one thing you don’t want when playing the kind of games, we’ve looked at in our guide is inhibitions. These games require you to be as bad and as vulgar, in many cases, as you can be.
Therefore, if you’re prone to be the shy and retiring type who wouldn’t say boo to a goose, you may need a little help in getting the best out of these games.
Obviously, there are games that are designed to be played with a healthy, but safe dose of alcohol. You can’t really play Tipsy Towers without it or else you’re just playing Jenga and in that case, what would be the point in wasting money on the drinking game version?
However, some of the things that come to light in games like Confessions, Never Have I Ever, Cards Against Humanity and similar titles, are hilarious and a whole lot of fun whether you’re tipsy, drunk as a skunk or stone cold sober.
Which adult card or board game is the most daring/rude?
Again, this is a hard question to answer, as everyone will have a different opinion. As these games usually revolve around shock and inappropriateness, the phrase one man’s poison is another man’s cure, comes to mind. If you’re not inclined to drink very often, for example, then one of the drink-centered games like Tipsy Tower or Drinkopoly will be more daring for you than people who regular drink at social occasions.
Similarly, if you’ve always tended to have a darker sense of humor or love sexual innuendos, then games like CAH and That’s What She Said are hardly going to offend or shock you, and are therefore, less likely to be considered daring or rude. If you’ve got a more conservative sense of humor though, you’ll probably be red-faced for most of the evening playing one of those games. You’ll love it, but you’ll be red-faced all the same.
If we had to pick out the one that is perhaps the most daring or rude, we’d have to pick the one that we felt, from our research, gets incredibly personal. It’s easy to make up funny statements a la Cards Against Humanity when you all know that’s the real aim of the game. However, it’s another thing to poke fun and laugh at your own mistakes and bad decisions in life. So, in terms of being the most daring, we think Privacy is probably the closest to the knuckle in our guide.
The game involves questions where the only accepted answers are either yes or no. So, there’s nowhere to hide.
Make Your Next Game Night a Night To Remember (or Forget)!
Phew! We don’t know about you guys, but we need some air after going through all those adult games with you. When we said comprehensive, we meant comprehensive. Each game was chosen because it has merit. While some titles may be similar, their differences were enough to warrant them a place in our guide. We took into consideration what people generally like and that you can all be a very fickle bunch often.
So, while some of you may be up for a good couple of rounds of drinking games, we knew that others will be after something a bit more cerebral. Hence the sizer of the guide. One thing we couldn’t avoid though, was showcasing those games that really hit home how little (or maybe too much) we know our friends and those that we choose to have in our lives. Remember that saying – you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family? Well, if you play any of these games and learn anything unsavory, remember that you chose them. So really that makes it all your fault, doesn’t it?
At the end of the day, like any board games and card games designed for family audiences, adult versions are there primarily for their entertainment value. It’s important to take everything that’s said during these games with a pinch of salt and remember that we’re all flawed and deeply messed up people. That’s right, even you, yes you, that’s sitting there thinking that you’ve got nothing to hide. Try a few rounds of Cards Against Humanity or Bad People and we’re sure you’ll be a little quieter with the holier-than-thou attitude.
If you’re completely new to adult board games and card games, it might be a good idea to try one of the tamer offerings first, before diving into something as nasty as Pick Your Poison. However, we do recommend that you try something. Even if you’re a little nervous, because part of that nervous feeling you have comes from a place that knows you might enjoy yourself and you just don’t know how to deal with that. We do, give it a go!