Frankly, it is not that hard to predict what are the most exciting things that await us in 2016 concerning new smartphones on Android, iOS and Windows Phone platforms and devices. One of them is new Android N.
Android N OpenJDK
Admittedly, it is too early to talk about the new version of the Android platform, however, we have entered the year in which new Android will be presented. Why not recapitulate and what we already know so far? What is expecting us in new smartphones during 2016?
According to numerous allegations of various insiders, Android N will have a new custom layout, which includes display applications in separate windows. All Android fans are sure that to-be split-screen UI will appear on Android N version since the team behind Pixel C tablet confirmed this on Reddit AMA.
Android officials responsible for the user interface have already announced that they are working hard on improving the Android user experience in different segments, such as “Multi-windows options and much more”. We hope that they will soon be able to share more information about more details.
Moreover, it is officially confirmed that Android N will not be using Oracle’s Java APIs but switch to OpenJDK.
Also, many rumors and speculations have appeared concerning the name of new Android N. So far, it looks like Google did not reach that point in their plans. One of the most recent speculations is that the new name will be based on Nutella. However, nothing is still confirmed, as a huge amount of money revolves around naming every new iteration of Android platform.
In the next article we will discuss three new improvements – touchscreens, processors and big breakthrough of Chinese branded phones into the US market.