
Switching between windows on a MacBook is actually very easy. Switching between windows inside one application on a MacBook is actually pretty easy, too.

To switch between windows on your MacBook, simply press ⌘+Tab on your keyboard real quick. If you have more than two windows open, you can simply hold the ⌘ button and press on the Tab multiple times to get your computer to cycle through the open windows, and then just stop pressing once you reach the window you intend to switch to.

Switching between windows inside an application that you currently have opened is just as easy. This is especially helpful if you are the type of person who would rather open multiple windows instead of the more convient ‘tabs’ on a regular web browser.

To switch between windows in the same application, simply press ⌘+~. This will get your computer to cycle through active windows within the application.

Want to close an opened window as quickly as you possibly could? Just hit ⌘+H on your keyboard l.

Think all of these is a little complicated?

You can also use three of your fingers to slide up on your touch pad, and this will reveal smaller versions of the active windows on your computer. From here, you can simply select the one that you want to switch to. And that’s it.